Playing movies or videos in a format other than mp4 is always a chore on an iOS device. While there are many ways to get around the limitation by converting the videos to iOS consumable format and then loading it, we might have a much easier option to get the movies onto iPad directly. Enter VLC Streamer Free iPad app.
All it needs is an app, a PC or Mac installer and whole lot of bandwidth. Here are the steps to follow.
- VLC Streamer iPad app can be downloaded from the app store.
- There is another installer which needs to be set-up on the host PC. You can download it here. Installer for Mac is also available.
- Start up the VLC Streamer server on the host PC.
4. Fire up the VLC Streamer app on your iPad. The app should see your computer in the Visible Computers list. If it doesn’t then you can manually enter the computer name and the IP address.
5. Choose the computer and Click on add a movie. This will let you browse through your computer’s folders. After finding the movie you are looking, you can either add it to the playlist or copy it to the iPad.
6. Stream and enjoy.
This approach has its pros and cons.
Pros : Don’t have to load movies or videos on to iPad and thus save some space.
Cons : Needs bandwidth. Eats up bandwidth. Feasible only on a WiFi network. If you are out with your iPad, then this might not be the most feasible option.
Thumbnail Image courtesy John Federico
TMT Industry Lover
Why one should an iPad when the movie stuff is available on one's laptop? Laptop will have bigger screen & might have better sound.
This shows how people are mad with Apple products. Highly unwarranted
Sriram Vadlamani
There is no need to stream it to iPad. If you want to then this is a way.