In this post, you will learn how to set a temporarily lock your Windows if someone tries to guess your password. With the help of these simple commands that will help you to have your PC secured and limit, login attempts in your PC.
Security is a major part of today’s digital life. A Personal Computer would contain many personal data which if accessed by anyone else could cause up the user. Keeping in mind, the security Windows is implemented with the user accounts & can be locked by the unique password which the primary user could only set up.
As the hacking methods are increasing day by day, therefore Windows OS could easily get hacked by the whoever trying to guess. This can be prevented if the Windows is set to temporarily lock the Personal Computer while if anybody trying to guess the Windows password. Here in this article, we have written the set of commands using which you could set up your PC prevent itself and gets locked whenever someone tries to guess your user account password.
1. Step: Open the command prompt window on your screen
2. Step: Type the command: “net accounts” in the Command prompt
You will get a list of your current password policy which is by default “Lockoutthreshold: Never” this means that your PC is not going to be locked. Regardless of how many times your windows password is typed incorrectly.
3. Step: Now enter another command: “net accounts /Lockoutthreshold:5”
This command will set a limit of 5 incorrect attempts. After that PC will be temporarily locked.
4. Step: Now to set the lock duration .
just type another command in the command prompt: “net accounts /lockoutduration:30“. Time will be in minutes, means this will command will set a lock duration to 30 minutes.
5. Step: That’s all;
Your windows will now lock up itself every time the user exceeds the limit of entering the wrong password. This will be a hence great step to make your PC more protected from the unknown users.
This was the process through which you can set your computer to temporarily lock itself whenever someone tries to guess your password. You have got up that the method isn’t too difficult or complex, but any average user could apply it without any issues.
It’s now your time to implement this method and make your PC much more secure and prevent it from unknown users. Hope you would like the method.
If you have any questions or queries regarding this method, do let us know in comments!