With the deluge of tablets coming along, lot of patterns have evolved. It is also clear of what expect from a tablet as per the price range. Tablets with a 7-inch screen, running Android and having wi-fi capability are the tablets of choice. There are other nice to have things like capacitive touch screens, 3G and video conferencing capabilities which are hot features. One pattern is notably missing. If you are on a movie marathon then holding the tablet would hurt, really really hurt. None of the tablets I saw so far cared about how you are going to hold the tablet. Except for this one. Huawei Smakit S7 is a tablet which actually cares.
Now isn’t that wonderful. A handle which can hold the tablet like a photo frame and will help you in a movie marathon. Reading books is just fine and all the eBook readers could be passed on as an exception. Tablets, which are trying to sell themselves as media guzzling gadgets, are no exception.
I know which company would say a big NO to such a thing without a second thought. Apple which commands 95% of the tablet market share would say a straight no. This is what Steve would say : “But Sriram, you don’t know what you want.” To which, I have to say, “I am not sure about that Steve, but I know one thing. My hands are hurting”
I know I can stack a bunch of books and lean the pad against it but, is that how it should be? Or should they be standing on a electromagnetic base just like Nokia’s concept phone Nokia Kinetic?
Shouldn’t all tablets come with a handle to hold themselves? Or shouldn’t they be standing up by themselves? What do you think?
One Comment
As far as i know this is a wonderful tablet with touch button but exception to that its having a resistive type of screen and no auto rotation as default feature… but design wise one of the best tablet which to come….