The Social gaming and location are the two buzzing words now a days. New location based social game GeoSocials is launched in U.S and U.K recently. As the name suggests you can play the games, take the challenges, solve puzzles and win rewards in the form of virtual or real points. You can share your wins with your friends instantly through Facebook and Twitter. GeoSocials maintains a leader board where you can check the points, based on location such as local and global. If you want to make friends with them you can send a message.
The other specific features for GeoSocials is you can drop challenges to your neighbors. Geosocials right now is on iOS platform. Soon it will be launched for Android and Blackberry. GeoSocials is an Indian clone of SCVNGR. Both are almost same with some minor differences. There is no need of check-in for GeoSocials.
Editor’s note : It’s strange that GeoSocials coming out of India has chosen to launch in the US and able to muster just 60 users. Mojostreet is another location based game which is India based and concentrates on giving real world reward. It has Blackberry and Symbian apps and is working on Android and iPhone apps.
Via Penn Olson