Android is a hot OS right now. How long will it remains so? That is still up for discussion but Android developers and Android development will continue to remain hot. Thanks to dedicated app stores like Amazon App store. While Android as we know might not last for very long, but Android would live on as Amazon’s Android and probably as Google’s Android too.
Android developer survey reveals some interesting facts about Android developers. Here are some interest facts
- 14% of the Android developers surveyed has said that Cricket is their favorite sport. That gives an indication of Android developers concentrated in cricket playing nations. India is one of them.
- 6% of Android developers surveyed use iPhones. The rest use either Samsung, HTC, Motorola or Sony phones, with Samsung being the most popular choice.
- 13% of the Android developers live in India.
- Only 7% of the apps developed are paid apps.
- For 58% developers who were surveyed, Android developed is their main job.
An Android developer could be 26 years old, living India, plays cricket, uses a Samsung phone, is paid to develop free Android apps and does nothing special to promote his app.
That’s just my interpretation. Make your own with the infographic