Wishtel launched two tablets Ira and Ira Thing which support 23 Indian languages. The language support is not just in typing but is available in menu options too. Wishtel’s engineers has included the language packs in the Linux kernel of the Android OS it runs on.
Wishtel’s tablets are 7-inch devices running on VIA 800 MHz processor and Android OS.
Wishtel Ira comes with a TFT LCD resistive touch screen, 256 MB RAM and 2 GB storage. It costs Rs. 4000.
Wishtel Ira Thing comes with a 7-inch capacitive touch screen, 215 MB RAM and 4 GB storage. It is priced at Rs. 5500.
Ira was designed as per the specifications of the Indian Institute of Technology Rajasthan, as part of the low-cost computing devices project under the National Mission of Education through the ICT and sponsored by the Ministry of Human Resources. They are made in factories in Maharashtra and Gujarat. (Hindu)
What does that mean? Was Ira an Aakash competitor which didn’t get the limelight it needed?
If tablet adoption in India is a thing related to the non-availability of enough local content and devices that support it, Wishtel’s tablet should be able to answer that. There is still a question about availability of local language content though.