Micromax will be launching its much awaited tablet before March 2012. The tablet will be a 7-inch device and will cost less than Rs. 15000. Oh! It will be revolutionary too. That’s as specific as we can get right now. March is around the corner and we have seen a barrage of tablets so far. None has impressed us. Of course, I am not talking about iPad.
Revolutionary means different things to different people. Or maybe it doesn’t. Revolutionary to me is what iPad was in 2010. Would Micromax’s tablet be such a moment? I highly doubt it. That is not to say Micromax’s tablet will not impress.
In fact, I am waiting for Micromax tablet for a while now. Because Micromax is famous for launching innovative products. Be it the marathon battery phones, or the in-built Bluetooth phones. Of course it has its cheeky moments like I Can afford this iPhone 4Sure. Whatever the method is, Micromax has continued to impress.
With tablets, whatever worked in the past might not work. At Rs. 15000, Micromax is certainly not targeting the cheap tablet world ruled by Aakash and Ubislate. It is rather in the Reliance 3G Tab, iBall Slide, Beetel Magiq Glide and Blackberry Playbook domain.
That means Micromax tablet should be: (Whatever worked for above tablets minus Whatever didn’t work for them) + something more.
If Micromax releases a tablet with an “i can afford this Pad 2oo” tagline, I will be disappointed. Hugely. And you know what that means.
Via LightReading