Most of the rumors turned out to be true about Apple’s iPad 2. It’s thinner, lighter, faster and boy it is slicker than ever. For a change, iPad 2 comes in White along with its regular black versions. iPad2 is 8.8 mm thick or 8.8 mm thin, however you want to look at it. The weight was brought down by 0.2 pounds and battery lasts for 10 hours. Saving the best for the last, iPad 2 runs dual core A5 CPU which is two times faster than its predecessor and provided 9x faster graphics.
I wish it would end there. iPad which was chided for not having any cameras and was popularized by “Hi Steve where’s my camera” campaign now has a better colleague in iPad 2. Apple has drilled in two holes to fit in two cameras. There’s a front facing camera and there’s a rear facing camera, you know to show your face to the rest of the world. iPad2 also comes with lightweight magnetized protective cover which will put the baby to sleep.
We haven’t even talked about the price. The 16GB Wi-Fi version would cost $499. The top-end version of 64GB, WIFI+3G costs $829. Comparable price to Motorola Xoom. And should I even say that you should prefer Xoom over iPad. Ok. May be I should. iPad 2 is a better tablet than Xoom and you should buy iPad 2. Why? Because iPad 2 comes with some great in-built apps and has access to many apps on its appstore which Android tablets can only dream of. That’s why.
If iPad was a revolutionary Tablet then iPad 2 is a revolutionary iPad.
Needless to say, this might never reach Indian shores officially. So get cozy with some of your Facebook friends and see if they can buy it and ship it for you. I can promise you that there will not be a competing tablet or contraption for the next two years.
The problem with Apple is, it’s just too good. It pioneers and concentrates on its strengths. The whole world will be in Oohs and aahs about iPad 2 and what it has and what it can do. Before everyone realizes what it doesn’t have, there isn’t much, it is March 11 – time to ring the cash register and count them bills.
Where does it put rest of the tablets? Behind.
iPad 2 : I want it. Sorry, I need it.
How long would it be before we compare some Android tablets with iPad2? My guess : 6 months.
Via : Engadget