Khan Academy has only one single agenda : make education free. In a way to make education free, Salman Khan, Khan Academy’s founder has accidentally made it cool too. He has uploaded more than 2400 educational videos on to his website covering subjects like math, science and economics.
Immediate accessibility and the quality of the content made Khan Academy a cool education tool. So much so that quite a few schools are using it in their curriculum and designing their courses around Khan Academy’s website. Bill Gates foundation has invested $1.5 million in Khan Academy. That’s Khan Academy’s amazing background.
Now this cool educational resource is about to meet the coolest gadget on earth. Khan Academy is releasing an iPad app which will be free as in beer. The iPad app is not just free but is also open source as in, use our code and we don’t sue you kind. The code is available on GitHub.
John Resig has commented on the coolest hangout on the planet, about the app and its release. iPad app will come out first and apps for iPhone and Android will follow. The app is a mixture of native code and HTML5. The 1.0 release will have video navigation, interactive transcripts and offline support. Exercises and other features will be coming in future releases.
Here are some screenshots :
Do you know of any open source iPad apps out there?