This might be the year for a perfect Android phone as there will be more Android apps coming our way. MapsofIndia has a quiz app released on Android platform. The app has a database on questions related to Indian history. App can be downloaded in apk format and have to be directly installed on to the device. MapsOfIndiaQuiz is not available on the market place.
You have to register with a username and an email address to enter the application.
Once in the application you can start the quiz.
The database looks limited. When I tried to play it for the second time it has the same set of questions. At the end of the quiz, it gives only two options – to exit or send the results. It doesn’t let you know what the correct answers are. This is less useful as not knowing the answers will leave you the same person or even more confused.
This might not get you through your Civil Services examination but you can try it if you have some time to kill.
Ankita gahoi
MapsOfIndiaQuiz app is available in android market place.and after submitting score, you can view the answers.
Sriram Vadlamani
Oops. May be I was too fast. Thanks Ankita.