Anti Mosquito – Sonic Repeller is an Android app in the market place which can act as a mosquito repellent. At least that’s what the app description says. Micromax was supposed to release a phone which can double up as a mosquito repellent. I’m not sure whatever happened to that. But this app is ready to download and keep mosquitos away.
Anti Mosquito emits a very high unique frequency ultra sound that the mosquitoes hate. The pitch of the sound is very high for us humans to notice. If humans do, they would be annoyed by the sound.
The app offers a easy to use interface with a big ‘mosquito’ button to turn the app on or off. There are three decibel levels (pitch selector) to annoy various species of mosquitoes. Set the level accordingly.
Guess what, there are close to 100 ‘anti mosquito’ apps in the market place.
Android download