How do you like connecting a clickety-clackety typewriter to your Mac and start typing away? If you are into some vintage stuff then USB TypeWriter should get you going. This is what the creators call “ground breaking innovation in the field of obsolescence”. I have to agree.
The type writer is connected to a computer or an iPad through a simple USB port and the input from the type writer will register in the the computer. In addition you can roll in a paper to see how good you are without the spell checker and Ctrl+Backspace. This USB Typewriter doesn’t come cheap though. It costs anywhere between $500 to $700.
Watch the TypeWriter in action :
Awesome stuff, if only I have $700 to spare for this luxury. Let me build up a obsolescence fund for this.
If I was working for a publication which bases its journalism on Twitter, the hashtag for this would #whocomesupwiththiskindofstuff, #justforkicks.
he got typewriter back to life… anyway i love this…
Interesting. The technology equivalent of old cars.