TechBerry, the mobile phone company, which brought us the Tendulkar projector mobile and a James Bond phone has come up with an Android tablet. Called as TechPad, the tablet has a 7-inch touch screen, VIA860 800 MHz processor and runs Android 2.2 operating system.
TechPad’s 7-inch touch screen is TFT LCD with 800×480 screen resolution. TechPad is powered by 256 MB RAM and a storage of 4 GB. Stereo speakers, built-in microphone, micro SD card slot and 1.3 megapixel camera are on board. TechPad has WiFi and supports 3G through a dongle. TechPad’s pricing is not available.
TechPad has an uncanny resemblance to the $75 tablet launched by BEL. It might be the keyboard and the leather case shown in the picture. TechPad uses a different kind of connector between the keyboard and the tablet screen.
Product page.