Samsung has launched its new Android tablet Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus in India for Rs. 24699. Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus is also known as GT-P6200. Samsung’s new tab comes with some impressive specs and runs Android’s 3.2 operating system. No news on whether it would receive a Ice Cream Sandwich upgrade.
Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus has a 7-inch capacitive touch screen with 1024×600 screen resolution. Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus is powered by 1.2 GHz dual core processor, 1 GB RAM, 16 GB built-in storage and can be expanded to 32 GB via microSD Card.
Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus has a 3 megapixel rear camera and a 2 megapixel front-facing camera.
WiFi, 3G, GPS, EDGE and Bluetooth are on-board. Accelerometer and Gyroscopic sensor are available on the tab. 4000 mAh battery on Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus promises a 20 hours of talk time and 41 hours of standby time.
Should I go buy it?
I know the question on your mind is : Is this a value for money? From whatever we have seen from RIM in the past 2 weeks, the real question on your mind should be : Will there be a price drop in the near future?
PS : Gadget makers should accommodate three additional columns of data in their spec sheet. Will there be a price drop in the next 2 weeks? In the next 1 month? In the next 2 months?