Bangalore Based EAFT has launched a 10.1 inch Android tablet. The tablet is called MagicTile Marathon and is retailing at Rs. 26990. Along with the 10.1 inch screen, Marathon comes with a 1 GHz processor, 512 MB RAM, 1.3 megapixel camera and a SD card slot to read 16GB memory. MagicTile Marathon also has one USB port, a HDMI port and supports Flash 10.1 It is powered by Android 2.2. and provides 8-hours of battery life on continuous use.
EAFT also has its own app store though there are only 18 apps in it. Apps include Youtube aggregator, Sudoku, Scribe, Podcast aggregator, NPTEL, nGadget, Media on Demand and Google Books. NPTEL is HRD Ministry’s National Program for technical enhanced learning which provides rich access to many digitized lectures and specialized content from the IIT’s and IIM’s. If you are lucky you can find the app you want on Android market.
EAFT already has two 7-inch tablets in its portfolio. Apollo and MagicTile are EAFT’s devices which have almost the same specs as Marathon. The only difference seems to be the bigger screen for Marathon. These 7-inch EAFT tablets also power Bangalore’s airport service buses.
EAFT stands for Everything at your fingertips.
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