Rama, a free iPhone app, brings a whole new meaning to curation, crowd sourcing and touring historical places. Rama mixes all the three together with a sustainable revenue model to give users a high-class app experience and an unguided tour in unchartered places. How does it work? Rama is a free iPhone download. Once downloaded, […] Read more
Google tricked the world when it released Gmail motion as their April fools joke. In fact GMail started as a April fool joke. With technology nothing ever will be a joke. Gmail motion which is a gesture based email isn’t all that surreal. FAAST crew has used Microsoft Kinect sensor and a middleware library to […] Read more
The days of calling room service for every little thing might be over. At least for the patrons of this New York hotel, The Plaza. Every room is equipped with iPad in this hotel and the iPad runs the hotel’s custom app which has quite a few features. All the services which are typically availed […] Read more
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