Aakash Tablet is now out for online orders. The student version costs Rs. 2500 and will be shipped to you in a week. There seems to be only one payment mode which is Cash on Delivery. For you to get your Aakash Tablet, all you need to do is fill in a ultra simple form and wait for the bell to ring. If you wanted to know why everybody were saying what they were saying about the Aakash tablet, the time has cometh to know the real truth.
Aakash Tablet is powered by 366 MHz processor, 2100 mAh battery and has WiFi. It runs Android 2.2 operating system.
For the non-students, there is Ubislate tablet which you can pre-order now. The tablet won’t be shipped until January, 2012. Ubislate has slightly better specifications than Aakash Tablet. A 700 MHz Cortex A8 processor, 3200 mAh battery, WiFi, and GPRS power the Ubislate. It just costs Rs. 2999. Ubislate will be powered by Android 2.3
Between Aakash Tablet and Ubislate, Ubislate seems to be a better option with a cost difference of Rs. 499.
Aakash Tablet is being projected as a student tablet. The registration form doesn’t different between a student and a casual buyer. May be that’s how it was meant to be. I am not giving you any ideas. I am just saying.
PS : Booking an Aakash tablet doesn’t really need a how-to. But if you are looking for one, here’s one for you.
there is an error!!the URL is wrong and cannot find the site..
when i can buy akash tablet
I want to purchase Akash Tablet Immediately