iPad mini is spotted out in the wild and it could be rumors as well. More than 1.5 million windows phones are sold and only Microsoft is happy about it. Wikileaks iPhone app had a brief stint in the app store and it was yanked by Apple yesterday. WikiLeaks iPhone app removed Apparently there was […] Read more
Wikileaks, the proponent of free information, has proliferated on the Internet on more than 100 locations. This is all good but can can I read it on my iPhone? Well some good folks has made it available for iPhone reading. Spread over several books and dates, the archive is a little difficult to browse. If […] Read more
Google’s much awaited Gingerbread is out on Google Nexus S – a phone co-developed by Samsung and Google. The attacks on Wikileaks are not from sophisticated government spy network but from bunch of hackers using compromised computers across the world. Thanks to the attacks and the boycotts, Wikileaks is now spawned in to more than […] Read more
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