Micromax Bling 2, Micromax’s second Android phone, will be available in India for the price of Rs. 8999. Bling 2 is powered by Android 2.2 Froyo and sports a 2.8 inch capacitive touch screen. Is this the first phone to break the 10K capacitive touch screen barrier? We have seen couple of announcements but, Bling 2 might be the cheapest Android capacitive touch screen phone available out there.
Micromax Bling 2 also comes with a 3 megapixel camera, WiFi, GPS, Bluetooth, MiFi Pocket wireless internet (acts like a wireless router on 3G speeds), expandable memory up to 32 GB. Bling 2 is loaded with some interesting apps.
Apps that come with Bling 2
Micromax has done a bit of curation for you. It has loaded the phone with some very useful apps.
Miroamer : World’s largest Internet audio repository.
Saavn : A music app for playing bollywood music
Mundu TV : 1 month free Live TV
MoneyControl : For stock market news and updates
Whats App : Neat SMS App
Office Suite : To access documents
NetQuin Antivirus : Who would have thunk that? Nice for Micromax to include an antivirus software.
From the outset, this phone is good to go from day one. Do you think Micromax has a winner?
Source (Image, Price) : AndroidOS