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Sriram Vadlamani

Sriram Vadlamani is the Editor and co-founder of TheGadgetFan and a columnist at Asian Correspondent. You can follow him on twitter @indianomics (Email: sriram.vadlamani@gmail.com | Bio). Add him to your Google circle.

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    It must be white gold plated. Vertu phones are meant for super rich and are often studded with diamonds and such. Vertu is a brand from Nokia! That also gives Nokia some excuse to price other phones ridiculously!

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      Sriram Vadlamani

      Even Micromax Bling is studded with diamonds. But that just costs less than 5K. LOL.

      Sure there is market for this kind of stuff. I am just curious about the title which says "Cheap Vertu Phones". At that price it is anything but cheap and putting cheap in the title cheapens it. Someone who has stretched to buy a 2 lakh phone wouldn't mind going the extra 50K would she?

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    It's made up of Aluminum… Titanium… and volcanized Rubber…. but does that add too much to the price… no idea abt it….

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      When it comes to fashion and making a statement, the value of raw materials doesn't count. A Gucci bag is made of same materials as any decent handbag is made of but still it sells for 50x the price of a normal bag that you can find in a neighborhood shop. Same with Armani suits or Swiss watches.

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      Sriram Vadlamani

      Abhishek Bachan would say "Get Idea". But I say 'No Idea'.


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