Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) has decided to support the new mobile platform Meego. AMD will be providing engineering expertise to Meego platform. Meego is a jointly developed mobile platform by Nokia and Intel. It is based on Linux variant. Meego powered devices are rumored to be hit the market next year. In all likelihood, Meego will be joining the mobile OS race and probably competing with Android which has a two year leg-up.
Meego, can run on any chipset and not just Intel chipset. That makes Meego a great alternative to Android. AMD’s support to Meego should only bolster Meego’s ambitions. A market place for Meego called AppUp is already in place and developers have shown great interest to develop apps for the new platform. Read more about AppUp here.
When Windows Mobile 7 was announced, we thought it cannot get any exciting. With the entry of Meego we have to say this again. It cannot get any exciting than this. There is a caveat though. If the Android’s version are fragmented, the mobile app world is even more fragmented. Mobile app developers, which is a scarce commodity, has to choose between multiple platforms to develop their apps. Apple iOS, the most lucrative, Android – new kid on the block, Microsoft Mobile 7 – the easiest platform to develop and now Meego. We have RIM and yet to be launched Palm’s, sorry HP’s WebOS.
Who will survive the mobile OS race is a must-watch.
Read the PR here.