First Intel powered smartphone, Lava XOLO X900, is launched in India only. Lava XOLO X900 costs Rs. 25000 and is available in India from April 23 in Croma stores and online. What’s the big deal about it? It’s quite a big deal actually. And for three reasons.
Intel’s entry into the mobile world
XOLO is actually a big moment for Intel. It has been more than a decade since mobiles became the central part of lives and Intel has been largely absent in the mobile sphere. People aren’t using just computers anymore and Intel being inside of computers alone won’t help.
Intel has to be inside mobile phones and it has finally entered the space, though a tad late. Until now it has been a field day for companies like Qualcomm. The mobile game is set to change, one more time.
An expensive Lava phone
Lava XOLO X900 is a big thing for Intel and it’s a bigger thing for Lava. By far it’s the most expensive Lava phone. It probably is the most adventurous Lava has done Lava A10 and the condom ad that went with it.
Lava still has challenges at its hand. First there is a perception problem about Indian brands. Second how do the mobile stores sell Lava XOLO along with Samsung phones. There has to be incentive enough and just saying that “Intel inside” won’t help because many users could care less about their mobile phone’s processor.
An India first launch
An awaited smartphone being launched in a India-first strategy is, well, a first of sorts. Not as big as it was for Intel and Lava but big nevertheless. Now this shouldn’t pave way for “The power is moving to the east” shenanigans. It’s just that we are not used to these kind of launches. May be we will get these more often.