Mobile Number Portability was slated to be an instant hit ever since its launch in India in 2011 and if the Telecom Subscription Data by TRAI till the month of August is to be considered, MNP continues to be a service being used aggressively by Indian mobile customers
Over 100 Million Requests for Mobile Number Portability Registered Already
According to the stats provided by TRAI, MNP requests increased from 97.82 million subscribers at the end of July 2013 to 100.2 million by the end of August 2013
This means that August alone saw 2.37 million requests for MNP suggesting that these many subscribers were not happy with their existing mobile operator which is not a real surprise given that most mobile operators in India do not meet customer expectations
The area wise breakdown of MNP request suggests that Rajasthan, Gujarat lead the pack in Northern and Western regions while Karantaka and Andhra Pradesh registered the most MNP requests in the Southern & Eastern regions
Customer Retention Is Key As Mobile Subscriber Growth Has Flattened
Gone are the day when the mobile subscriber base in India was growing leaps and bounds. The mobile subscriber based registered a mere 0.21% growth in the month of August which suggests that new mobile subscribers arent being added at a healthy pace.
Co-relate the mobile subscriber addition data with the MNP request data and it is clear that the need of the hour for mobile operators is to give utmost importance to customer retention strategies.
Are you one of the 100 Mn subscribers who have opted for Mobile Number Operability? Share with us your reasons and experience of opting for MNP