TaxSpanner the online tax filing website has opened up one more venue for taxes – mobile. Now anyone can file taxes using just the mobile phone. All they need is a Form 16 and an Internet connected mobile phone.
TaxSpanner outlines this process to file taxes :
- Visit website from your mobile
- eFile by eMail option will pop-up
- Fill up personal details
- Upload Form 16
- ITR is filled.
Here are some questions :
Uploading form 16 on a mobile is marked as a very easy step. It obviously isn’t. File browsing is not available on all the mobile phones and TaxSpanner has obviously meant smartphones. Once we upload Form 16 in let’s say pdf of image format, will the details be automatically taken and the ITR is filled? What happens after ITR is filled?
TaxSpanner’s mobile website will be open from July 1, 2011.
For the technology stack geek in you, TaxSpanner is built using a LAMP stack of tools though PostgreSQL and Python were used in place of MySQL and PHP. It uses Django web development framework. TaxSpanner’s servers spread between three machines of database server, web server and media server can handle 1 million hits per day. [BS]